
             - Tumor -

Tumor  is a mass of tissue that's formed by an accumulation of abnormal cells. It occurs when cells divide and grow excessively in the body. A tumor may be of two types :-

a. Benign and b. Malignant 

Here are few differences that we should know about these two tumors as most of people get confused between them  

            Benign Tumor v/s Malignant 


a. Boundary;-encapsulated and well circumscribed in Benign but poorly circumscribed or irregular in Malignant

b. Surrounding Tissues;- often compressed in Benign but invaded in Malignant 

c. Size ;- usually small in Benign but usually large in Malignant

d. Pleomorphism;- Usually not present in Benign but often present in Malignant 

e. Nucleus/cytoplasm ratio;- Normal (1:4 to 1:6 ) in Benign but high up to 1:1 in Malignant 

f. Hyperchromatism;- Absent in Benign but present in Malignant 

g. Growth rate;- usually slow in Benign but rapid in Malignant

h. Metastasis;- Absent in Benign but frequently present in Malignant

i. Mitosis;- May be present in Benign but it is high in Malignant.     

      I hope above mentioned differences was well understood and I know you may have encountered some new terms like ;- pleomorphism, metastasis and Hyperchromatism . So, in the next paragraph I will try you to understand these terms :- 

a. Pleomorphism:- It is variation in size and shape of cancer cells.

b. Metastasis:- spread of a tumor to the sites that are physically discontinuous with the primary tumor.

c. Hyperchromatism:- Nucleus that looks darker than normal when examined under the microscope.

Normal cell                               Hyperchromatism

  I hope it was easier for you to understand tumor , being tumor and malignant tumor . If you find it helpful then do share with your friends . It will encourage me more to write on similar topics. 
If u have any queries , then do comment down or email me 
 Thanking you ❣️
               " Stay healthy, stay fit "


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