Cell Death :- Apoptosis

              - Apoptosis -



       Apoptosis is a pathway of cell Death in which cell activates enzymes that degrades the cell's own nuclear DNA and nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins.

- It is a programmed cell Death.

                 | Causes of Cell Death | 

A. Physiological condition 

- Programmed destruction of cell during embryogenesis 

- Involution of hormone-dependent tissues upon hormonew withdrawl . Eg. Endometrial cell breakdown during menstrual cycle. 

- Elimination of potentially harmful self-reactive lymphocytes.

- Death of host cell that have served a useful purposes . Eg. Neutrophils in an acute inflammatory process, Lymphocytes at the end of an immune response .

B. Pathological condition

-Cell death resulting from damaged of DNA due to radiation cytotoxic drugs, hypoxia or free radicals 

- Cell Death triggered by accumulation of misfolded protein

- Degenerative disease of CNS . Eg. Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease 

             - Morphological features - 

- It may involve single cell or cluster of cell or cluster of cell .

- Cells get shrunked with dense, eosinophilic cytoplasm.

- Nuclear material condense ( Pyknosis) and get pigmented ( karyorrhexis) .

- Cytoplasmic blebs appear.

- Small apoptic bodies are seen on or around the cell .

         - Mechanism of Apoptosis - 

1. Initial Phase 

        Two different pathways are involved 

a. Intrinsic ( Mitochondrial ) pathway 


b. Extrinsic ( Death receptor - initiated ) pathway 

Plasma membrane death receptors TNF recptor Type - 1 and Gas.

2. Execution Phase 

3. Removal of Dead cells

This was all you have to know about Apoptosis. Thanks for lots of good feedback in previous blogs, it encouraged me alot so, based on comments I tried to make Apoptosis an easy way to understand with this Article . 
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 " Being healthy is an easy way to do " 


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